AOSH Health & Safety Level 2 25th of January, ISO 45001 Lead Auditor Course 27th - 31st of January 2025.
Qodar Safety Consults is committed to addressing the needs of our clients and providing superior environmental, health and safety solutions to various business challenges. Our solutions protects the workforce, equipment and the public from the adverse effects of health and safety hazards generated by work activities and the environment. Based on our evaluations, We generate recommendations that cost-effectively achieve safe and healthy solutions and high level productivity.
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Stay behind to watch over all... Take responsibility... All workers, visitors, equipment, the plant, documents, factory, company and the environment at large are in your care. Its the safety risk of we safety officers.. Meanwhile you need to show that you are multi-faceted by joining hands with what other professionals in your company does. This is what is expected of safety professionals
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Qodar Safety Consults.... At your service Always... We deliver various In-Company trainings on various health and safety related courses, effective management courses such as psychological safety, mental well-being, coping techniques, active listening, among others. We have been tested and trusted by one of the most Industrious financial institution in Nigeria.
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We are young and capable. We are affordable... And our trainings are highly efficient and effective on the total workforce. A trial will surely lead to a permanent engagement... We look forward to having us in your organization.
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Do I Need Mental Health Help?

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With extreme emotional issues, we often have no problem deciding whether we need to see a counselor or not; however, with a slight discomfort, a few bad days, we can’t always make that decision.

Ask yourself the following questions and truthfully answer YES or NO.

👉 Do you get honest satisfaction from simple pleasures?

👉 Do you have respect for yourself?

👉 Can you laugh at your own errors?

👉 Do you feel capable of dealing with situations as they come your way?

👉 Can you accept displays of your own emotions – fear, anger, jealousy, guilt, worry?

👉 Do you have personal relationships that are satisfying and lasting?

👉 Do you trust others and assume that others will trust you?

👉 Do you respect people who differ from you?

👉 Do you refuse to be pushed around and refuse satisfaction from it?

👉 Can you feel you are a part of a group?

👉 Are you able to love somebody?

👉 Do you accept as much responsibility as comes your way?

👉 Do you make your own decisions?

👉 Do you deal with your problems as they arise?

👉 Do you shape your environment whenever possible and adjust to it whenever necessary?

Count up the number of no answers.  If you don’t have any, you are exceptional.  A couple of No answers is normal and is absolutely nothing to be concerned about.  If, however, you answered NO to more than five questions, there is a good chance you could benefit from some type of counseling to help get you back on track.

The fact you are able to take this test is a good indicator that, with the proper counseling, you will be fine.

Just don’t let it go until more answers turn to NO. You deserve enjoying the best mental health possible.  Don’t neglect it.

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33, Adewolu Street, Sango Ota Ogun State.